Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dream Big

When I was 15, I knew in my heart that I was meant to do something big.  And that someday I would move away from my small town of 200 and follow my heart's desire.  I had no idea how that would happen but I felt it deep in my soul. 

Twenty-two years later, I still feel that way.  I've moved out of that small town to the big city.  I've experienced so much that I never, ever thought I would, even in my wildest dreams.  I graduated from college (first person in my family to!), been on national TV, traveled to foreign countries and even went to the Super Bowl this year.  It's all because I dreamed big then and still do.

It's about having a "Why not?" attitude.  About taking chances and asking yourself "What would I do if I knew I couldn't fail?".  Then doing it whether you fail or not. 

I grew up in a household of limited believers.  They believed that there was never enough, not enough good in this world for everyone, that taking chances was risky and didn't pay off, that you were born, lived and died in one place and did things a certain way.  I refused to believe any of it. 

One of my favorite books is Melody Beattie's "Journey to the Heart - Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul".  I have read and re-read this book.  Here is an excerpt from today's meditation on limitless beliefs:

"Have you been limiting your choices, telling yourself there are only a few options available?  Have you been saying you've seen and done everything you can in this world?  Have you been wondering why your life is so limiting?

Set yourself free.  Give yourself permission to experience and taste more of life.  You are here to live your life - fully, richly, passionately.  The journey has been about more than cleansing, healing, and spiritual growth.  You have a body, emotions, passion, and thought.  You are here to bring all parts to life, to connect the parts and to fully live your life.

Partake of the abundance of the universe.  You're sitting at a banquet table, let yourself feast.  Move on from monitoring, watching, limiting.  Experience all of life that you can."

Life is full of opportunity, go after it.  Dream big and keep on keeping on.

(un)discovered alison


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