Friday, June 3, 2011

One Acting Action Every Day - Week in Review

As you've heard me say before, I try my best to do one thing every day for my acting career.  I call it my One Acting Action Every Day plan.  You can't reach a goal this big if you aren't constantly accomplishing smaller goals to get there. 

Each week, I'll be reporting on how I fared.  Accountability is good after all, right?  :) 

Here are my highlights from this week:
  • Monday:  Enjoyed a true day off.  Yes, that counts. 
  • Tuesday:  Re-evaluated my options for getting back in class.  Researched a few different classes and made some calls to see what I need to do to register.   
  • Wednesday:  Attended a read-through with my actors' company of the script for this month's murder mystery show.
  • Thursday:  Had a rehearsal for an upcoming church drama team performance.  
  • Friday:  Line learning day!  Working on scripts for the murder mystery and church performance. 
  • Bonus:  Got to 41 Facebook fans after just one week.  Even more impressive, had 800 Facebook fan page views and 720 blog page views!
Now I'm going to kick all of you in the butt and issue the challenge to join me in performing One Acting Action Every Day.  Then I won't be the only one bragging and you can let everyone know how you did too. 

So, what are the highlights from your week?  Go ahead, pat yourself on the back. 


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